The Data Center Exchange | S1 Ep 5 

Del Connolly

By Del Connolly

19 Sep 2023

2 min read

The Data Center Exchange | S1 Ep 5 

Compass Quantum, the skills gap in the industry and being a Data Center influencer with Tony Grayson 


Welcome to The Data Center Exchange Podcast with host Del Connolly, Global Director of Harper Harrison, a built environment recruiting firm as he is joined by some of the most senior leaders within the data center industry. Del and his guests will be touching on topics such as the culture of a fast-growing business within the sector, sustainability, engineering, construction challenges, diversity & inclusion, and much more. 


We are delighted to welcome Tony Grayson to the Data Center Exchange. Tony is a former sub-commander and is now an Executive within the Digital Infrastructure world. As the General Manager of Compass Quantum, he is at the helm of a hugely exciting new modular Data Center solution. We touch on some of the features and advantages of the solution and look at the journey so far.


We also cannot invite Tony on the podcast without touching on his background in the services, how ex-servicemen and women can help plug the undoubted skills gap within the industry, his role as Veterans Chair within the Infrastructure Masons and his views on some of the discussion points about nuclear energy within the Data Center market. 



Tony is a well-known seasoned executive with over 25 years of technology and leadership experience. He is a decorated serviceman and a hugely experienced Data Center and Technology leader who is General Manager at Compass Quantum. 


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To get in touch with host, Del Connolly, please email him at 


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